We are so excited to announce that this year, Homestead Alternative Academy, opened up seats in the school for community children to attend. Forty (yes 4-0!) new children were added to our school grades, between Kindergarten and Grade 7, some classes saw lots of intakes, and others just a few. There was great excitement both in TWCF children and staff with adding new students, as well as in the community once they heard we opened enrolment. There was a mob at the gate with many families jousting and vying for their children to attend, and while the number accept seemed low to the community, it is a huge difference and undertaking for TWCF and for the Homestead Teachers and Students.
Once the forty new students were accepted and starting day came around, there was great excitement in the compound, which took a couple weeks for everyone to settle into new rhythms with new friends/classmates and into routines of learning.