Since the word seems to have been spreading quickly of who we are and what we are doing here in this area (on top of the intense surprise factor when people learn we have been around going on 9 years) it seems we are now starting to hear of more situations. We have had to be so careful in our self description to try and eliminated misuse or misunderstanding of the Foundation, but in that it seems it is paying off as more cases are starting to come forward that fit what we do. There are so many people in need, so many in abject poverty, so many widows struggling with children, there is room for some many projects and programs. For us we have to stick to the guidelines and criteria that we have established so we may succeed at what we do. And as we continue to pray for the right cases and situations, and continue to clarify our criteria and the type of children we accept, all the while helping where we can (helping widows with rice, seriously impoverished families with our own clothes, etc), we are starting to see people come forward and ask for help. Identifying the type of children we have criteria for has been difficult in this area as the people have a great deal of pride in family and self. So much so that rather then admit they cannot care for a child of a late relative, they would keep the child and have it suffer. As we pray against that and show by our love and encouragement and support, we are slowly starting to see a change of heart. It is important for us to show that we are not judging the people or families here, only that we want to try and help where they are not capable.

*We are currently looking into two cases that fit our criteria, waiting on five cases that have been on going, waiting for two more that we hear are coming, and investigating three that dont quite fit our criteria but we will see how we can help.