Well it has been an amazing two and a half months with Cat and Laurel here. They have added immensely to the strength and functionality of the home. It has been with enthusiastic and joyful spirits that Cat and Laurel have modeled for the staff the appropriate measures we have in place as well as guided and taught them. They have done a great job.

The staff have adjusted and picked up so quickly. We are so blessed to have a strong team who truly understand the calling and vision of this organization and bend themselves readily to serve it.

Steve has also been here for two weeks now and has taught our men staff a great many things with the aid of POWER TOOLS!! It has been a hilarious experience. The laundry line has been fixed, new trellises build for the garden vegetable and yams to grow on, bunkbeds sawed in half, door frames fixed, some Terrano problems adjusted, plans for the new cement gen shed extension, and so on. The guys have loved having him around and dont leave him alone.

Only a few more days left here in the village before heading to Abuja and they jump on a jet plane outta here. It will be sad to see them go although it has been an amazing trip for them and for us to have them! xoxo